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Sublimation Shirts Powerful Promotion

sublimation shirts

Giving away promotional sublimation shirts to customers is a quick and relatively easy way to get branded, sublimation printed items into the hands of customers. It provides them with something they appreciate and it helps you to boost your brand recognition out there in the real world, so what’s not to like? 

If you’re interested in doing more to promote your brand with promotional products, shirts could offer you the very best way of doing it. They’re universally liked, they’re relatively cheap and they offer fantastic branding potential. But most importantly of all, they can be used in such a wide variety of ways by brands like yours.

There are so many ways to put them to use and to get the most out of them as promotional items. It’s all about getting creative and thinking of ways to make them meaningful and effective at promoting your brand. If you’re not sure where to start, the ideas we’re about to discuss next will inspire you.

Use A Free Sublimation Shirt as Part of Your Pitch to New Clients

If you’re working with high-value clients or you’re trying to sell products that have a pretty high price tag, it might make sense to pitch to people using free t-shirts. The cost of using them will be tiny when compared to the outcome of selling a high-priced product or securing a vital high-value client for the business, so it makes sense.

It’s also a nice way of showing attention to detail and appreciation to the client. It’s the small things like this that clients remember. Just make sure that it’s appropriate for the client. That way, you can be sure the right outcomes are achieved by the end of the pitch you deliver to potential new clients. They’ll notice the thought and effort that goes into it.

We recommend looking at Conde for their extensive line of shirts and t shirts for sublimation printing.

Send Custom Sublimation Shirts When Looking to Rekindle a Failing Customer Relationship

No one wants to lose regular customers, especially if they have a history of being regular spenders. Those are the kinds of customers your business relies on and really needs to hold onto in an ideal scenario. That’s why you should go out of your way to keep hold of them, and one way to do that is by sending out free sublimated shirts.

If a customer seems to have lost interest in your brand, getting something from it for free might be a way of regaining their interest. Of course, you can’t send out free stuff to everyone who stops buying, but this technique really does work well for customers who have a history of buying frequently or buying high-value items but have since stopped.

Create a Black Tie Sublimation T Shirt Night for Clients

Link your free sublimation shirt promotion to an event or gathering of some kind. Doing this allows you to have some fun and get creative with your t shirt designs, even making them a core part of the overall experience on the evening. A black tie t shirt night for your clients and customers might be a great way of doing that.

This can help you create a fun evening with a tongue in cheek kind of feel to it. If that’s the kind of atmosphere you’re looking for at your next gathering or event, using t-shirts in this way or whatever other creative ways you can think of is definitely a good idea and shouldn’t be dismissed. It might be just what your brand needs.

Start a Sublimation Shirt Design Competition Online

Another fun way to engage people with sublimation shirts is to run a competition for your customers. This is something that anyone can take part in via social media. Each person simply needs to create a sublimation shirt design and submit it to you. The winner and runners-up can then have their sublimation shirts made and you can even sell a limited run of them if you like.

Competitions a fun way to get people engaging with your brand on social media so if you’re trying to up your social game and you want to use promotional sublimation shirts to do that, this idea might be the one that you’re looking for. Create an inclusive and fun atmosphere and get people interacting. Design competitions are an all-round positive idea.

Jump on the Latest Big Sporting Event

If there’s a big sporting event coming up, whether it’s a World Cup or the NBA Finals, why not use the event to your advantage? You could hand out free promotional shirts at a local bar or club where the sports game is being shown. The key to doing this successfully is making sure you play up the competitive elements of the game.

This can be done by creating two sets of sublimation shirts for the event. The first will be the color of one of the teams and the other will match the color of the other team. Then people can choose which team they’re supporting and choose the color that corresponds to that team. It’s a fun way of using an event like this to promote your brand.

Correct Customer Service Problems with Free Sublimation Shirts

When a customer has a bad experience with your company, it might be a good idea to correct the problem by giving them something for free that acts as a kind of apology for what went wrong. Free sublimation shirts can work to help people feel a little better about the poor customer service they’ve received from you.

Of course, other actions might be required to ensure the customer isn’t lost for good, but the sublimation shirt will at least go a small way to ensuring you make amends for the problem. If you have lots of branded t-shirts available, it should be pretty easy to use a few of them on sending out to customers in the even of a bad customer service scenario.

Send Out Sublimation Shirts Ahead of an Event You’re Hosting or Attending

When you’re going to be hosting an event or even attending a big event, you might want to use the occasion as an opportunity to hand out branded sublimation shirts to attendees. They can then wear them in the future or at the event as well if they want to. It’s a great way of getting your brand name and logo out there at the event. To read more about branding your business read our Build Your Own Brand review.

Tailor your approach to the specific nature of the event because all events like these are different. You will want to make sure that you get the tone right. Otherwise, people won’t be very interested in the sublimation shirts you’re handing out. So put some thought into it and spend time thinking about what the right approach might be.

Show Your Clients You Know What They Care About

Simply showing your clients that you care about them and that you want them to remain customers of your company is a bigger deal than it sounds. People like to know that their custom is appreciated, especially if they’re high-value clients and they have plenty of other options to consider on top of your company.

Sending out free merchandise to these clients is a good way of showing them that they are valued and that you do appreciate their custom. Everyone likes to get something for nothing and that’s no different for your clients. Be sure to send a note with the sublimation shirt if you do decide to send them out to clients.

Try Street Marketing with A Free Sublimation Shirt

Street marketing has a bit of a bad reputation but for some companies, it can be really effective and that’s something you shouldn’t ignore or forget. You will have the chance to hand out free sublimation shirts during these street marketing efforts and you’ll get to talk to potential customers face to face, which is always positive.

If you have great merchandise that you’re handing out, street marketing is always more effective. People might not want to halt their busy day to have a chat, but if they can see that they’re getting something out of it for free, they’ll be a little more tempted.

Bundle Promotional T-Shirts

Another nice idea is to simply bundle your promotional t-shirts with the other things you’re selling. This is an especially good idea if you’re selling high-value items. Throwing in a little added extra always goes down well because customers don’t expect it.

It’s something that you should try out, especially if you have lots of t-shirts in stock and you want to get them out there to customers. It’s a good way it getting your brand logo, name and contact details out there, so give it a try and reap the rewards further down the line.

Shirts can be used for a wide variety of promotional reasons, as the examples above show you. Be sure to make the most of their potential if you’re currently looking for new and powerful ways to promote your brand. People love them and they can really help with brand engagement, so don’t hesitate to give some of the ideas above a try.

Read more about business branding and how to use wallpapers on Pinterest to market your sublimation printing business.

sublimation t-shirts

T-shirts and Sportswear

Bright, wild, and vivid designs are for the creative apparel wearer and athletes who want stylish and durable uniforms.

How do you get these designs all over the shirts? Sublimation printing is method that uses special ink, when heated, turns the ink into a gas and permeates the fabric. When cooled the ink becomes part of the material for a seamless design.

Have you ever wanted to start a business? Sublimation printing is easy to get started. Great for home businesses, retail shops, boutiques, or large scale commercial work.

Where To Get Blank Shirts For Sublimation?

Do you want to know more about sublimation printing and where to get the blank materials and fabric? SublimationPrinter.Co has product reviews, how tos, and a complete guide for businesses to get you started in sublimation printing.

Conde at has a large list of sublimation blanks including a lot of shirts ready for sublimation. They are 100% polyester. Some selections are high quality Vapor, Sun, and Performance material.


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